Unity Shelter includes programs that share its mission to "Provide Safe Shelter Through Collaborative Care". Programs such as The Mens Shelter, SafePlace, Room at the Inn and Third Street Commons provide emergency shelter and transitional housing in a trauma-informed setting. Unity Shelter provides fiscal and operational leadership/management for each of the programs.

The logo to the right is an appropriate representation of our belief that Unity Shelter's mission is really about all of "us". Together, we can care for and help one another. The board considered many entity names, logo designs, website addresses, etc. This name and logo most succinctly communicated our mission and emphasized our desire to "put unity in community".

The arch over the "us" in the logo is representative of the umbrella nature of the Unity Shelter organization. It is also a symbol of our unity and inclusiveness.

Each program is also a part of "us"; therefore, their program names and logos share the "us" symbol along with their descriptive name as shown.

Please spend some time exploring this website to learn more about "us" and then join us in our mission to "provide safe shelter through collaborative care" by making a donation and volunteering to help our friends and neighbors experiencing homelessness.


About US