Religious Institutions


Local contractors donated their time and construction skills to build our first microshelters  in order to provide small, but safe transitional housing.  

As the program has evolved, we've worked with contractors to build new units, make site improvements at Safe Camp and to prepare microshelter placements.

If you have a contractor license and would like participate in building new microshelters or on-site facilities, please contact Unity Shelter here.

Your compassion and assistance is a remarkable way to demonstrate the "unity in our community". Thank you!

SafePlace invites religious institutions in Corvallis or Benton County to consider hosting a microshelter (or more) in its parking lot or side yard. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to provide safe shelter to those who do not have a place to self-quarantine. Benton County and The City of Corvallis have recently acted on this by approving permits and adjusting codes to allow the placement of microshelters on properties used by religious institutions.  This governmental acknowledgment and approval is welcomed by SafePlace and Unity Shelter!

While the pandemic has raised awareness of this need, the fact is that we have had neighbors in our community experiencing homelessness prior to the pandemic.  Unfortunately, the realities of the economic hardships caused by the shutdown may actually increase the number of our friends and neighbors experiencing homelessness. SafePlace anticipates needing more religious institutions who are willing to host one or more microshelters on their property in the near future.

If you represent a local religious institution and would like to learn more about hosting one or more microshelters on your property, please contact Unity Shelter via email by clicking here.


SafePlace relies on volunteerism primarily to build microshelters, to host microshelters and to build operational facilities.