Many General Contractors and Subcontractors have participated in the construction of the microshelters, which are being placed around Corvallis. In addition, Crescent Valley HS students have also participated. CVHS documented their project and experience on their school website. You are invited to check out their detailed experience by clicking here.

There are many other champions that have been involved in the design, construction, funding, placement, logistics, policies, permitting, etc.  All of them are champions in our eyes and we encourage you to visit our SafePlace champions page  to learn more about them.

Microshelters is one of the transitional housing initiatives within the SafePlace Program.  Please visit the Q & A page to learn more about how SafePlace, Safe Camp, and Microshelters are all part of an effort to provide transitional housing options.

Microshelters Under Construction

Microshelters are well designed stick built rooms that provide transitional housing...a place to sleep and store personal belongings.   Due to their relatively small size, they can be moved as needed.  They are placed on the properties of religious institutions around town to provide transitional housing for people without a home.  The Corvallis' City Council has approved the first permit applications for these to be placed through a formal review process.  As of today, there are five religious institution locations that have microshelters on their property. 

We express our sincere appreciation to these religious institutions who are courageous pioneers in the effort to end homelessness.  They are champions!  The first three participating religious institutions are:

Microshelter Deliveries
