Room at the Inn's mission is to provide a safe and secure emergency home for women during the winter months and to provide year-round case management to help women stabilize their lives. 

Our goal is to ensure that guests and volunteers feel welcomed, valued, and respected in an atmosphere of personal responsibility and mutual support and to help guests and other women secure and retain permanent housing. 

Our vision is to bring stability and safety to homeless women, recognizing that when the most vulnerable women feel safe, all women are safer. 

We have also been pleased that several of our guests have come back as volunteers once they are permanently housed (and take a year off to get a little perspective on their experience).

All shelter guests, former shelter guests and other women experiencing homelessness have access to intensive case management services to help them achieve stability in their lives.  We have had a great deal of success in getting women into permanent and transitional housing! Then they can begin to live their best lives.  Our case management team works closely with Corvallis Housing First case management for supervision and coordination of services. 

During our first year of operations, guests, staff and volunteers were involved in creating the window quilt shown below.  This was great way for us all to accept ownership and responsibility for making the shelter a calm and welcoming place.  

Room at the Inn is now pleased to join Unity Shelter in its mission to provide safe shelter through collaborative care.  
