Religious Institutions

We consider our "Champions" to be our most loyal supporters who demonstrate their compassion by sharing their time, talents, money, experience, education and more.  Our champions come from diverse backgrounds.  Among other things, it is their commitment to helping those in need that unites us in this common purpose.  Please scroll down this page to see just how many generous contractors, donors, volunteers, businesses, churches and organizations are working together to put "unity in OUR community" supporting the Unity Shelter Mission of "providing safe shelter through collaborative care".

We consider our "Champions" to be our most loyal supporters who demonstrate their compassion by sharing their time, talents, money, experience, education and more.  Our champions come from diverse backgrounds.  Among other things, it is their commitment to helping those in need that unites us in this common purpose.  Please scroll down this page to see just how many generous donors, volunteers, organizations and religious institutions are working together to put "unity in OUR community" supporting the Unity Shelter Mission of "providing safe shelter through collaborative care".

Thank You!




Room at the Inn has been blessed with so many wonderful volunteers ever since our first organizational meeting where so many volunteered to get us started,   During that first year, we quickly came to recognize that many of the volunteers that responded to last minute “HELP!” requests were members of St. Mary’s Catholic Church.  They continue to be a central part of our shelter operations.  The following volunteers deserve special recognition:

Karen Sundseth and Marty Fulford, donated countless hours to making our three “tea benefits and auctions” a huge success!  Karen also donates many hours each month as an “overnight” volunteer, and is usually able to help out last minute, if we have a “no show” volunteer. 

Cecily Feudo started as a volunteer one week after she learned about Room at the Inn at an Altrusa meeting in March of 2014.  She has been a very faithful volunteer ever since – usually taking multiple shifts every week.  Her compassion and great listening skills are a gift to guests, volunteers and staff alike.  She remains the backbone of our volunteer team during the pandemic.

Virginia Brittsan retired in the spring of 2014 and has been an ardent supporter of Room at the Inn ever since.  Like Cecily, she covers multiple shifts every week, and her expertise in nursing has been a great asset to us all.  She has also served as president of our Board of Directors since 2015. 

Jim Swinyard has been our go-to guy since we opened.  He sets up and takes down the shelter beds every fall and spring and if anything needs fixing, he helps out, whether it was a guest’s wheelchair, bicycle, one of our gazebos or beds.  Jim has spent more volunteer overnights at the shelter than anyone – covering at least one night a week since we opened.  Now that we have beds spread out in the gym area, we no longer have men as overnight volunteers.  Sorry, Jim!

Our board members also deserve recognition — most have been long time volunteers and have served on the board most of the years that we’ve been open.  Marge Stevens has been our treasurer from the beginning.  Candy Pierson Charlton, Nancy Herron, Lizz Koch, Jim Boyle, Ed Epley, Rhonda Mueller-Warrant, and Virginia Brittsan have all been great supports to the shelter.   

Jen and Jon Pywell have prepared an incredible meal almost every Saturday night

for the last four years!  Since we transitioned into a full-time shelter due to COVID-19,

Jen has continued on as a kitchen staff member.  We are so very grateful for her

presence and wonderful smile!

Other volunteers that have been there for us for many years include Serena

Jennings, Mary Beth Koebel, Paula Kwong, Mary Madison, Melody Slothower,

Mary Beth Koebel, Molly Warner, and Pam Wilson.

Sara Power has served as our manager and then executive director since we

opened.  She served the first six years as a volunteer and dedicated most of her

energy towards keeping the shelter in operation. Over the years, Sara found ways to improve Room at the Inn's services.  With the help of many others to raise the funds, she led us to expand and add year round case management to our basic operation as a shelter. This has helped so many women improve their lives in such incredible ways.  Although Sara is home bound by COVID-19 (like many of our volunteers) she continues to learn of changing guidelines, procure funding, stay in touch with volunteers (our bi-weekly “happy hours” are such fun!) and support our staff.  We are lucky to have her dedication to these vulnerable neighbors. 

Finally, we are thankful for all of our new volunteers who came forward during this pandemic and look forward to enjoying the company and unique spirits of all the volunteers that we will see in the future.  You can help make the shelter the safe and welcoming place it has become for all who come through our doors.  Check out the
volunteer page!



It feels nearly impossible to recognize all the individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to further the Room at the Inn's mission. Below are a few remarkable organizations who have demonstrated that they are champions in the effort to care for our neighbors and friends experiencing homelessness with cash / food / supplies donations, personal care, volunteerism and in other creative ways.